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Let AGS-Engineering design your products for easy, cost efficient and safe assembly
Assembly Engineering
Assembly is where components or subassemblies are converted into a finished product. In other words, it is at least step or many steps further down the manufacturing line. This makes assembly and especially final assembly generally a step that is of greater importance, because any mistakes at this phase can be more costly as compared to previous phases of the manufacturing process. Not only will the manufacturer sometimes have to scrap the entire assembled product and lose all the investment that was made for the individual components, materials, chemicals, energy…etc.; the manufacturer will also lose significant amount of time that is impossible to recover. As a consequence, customers will not receive their orders on time and the manufacturer has to reschedule the work order. Customer’s trust may be lost forever !
Therefore Assembly Engineering is an important area that needs a careful and detailed review by professional personnel. Some of our assembly engineering related services are:
3D or 2D design & drawings, modeling, 3D scanned data
Subassembly & Assembly Drawings
Design for Assembly (DFA)
Instrumentation Schematics
Assembly line productivity improvement
Interpretation, design and development of automated systems for assembly from specifications in hand (hardware and/or software)
Industrial robot integration into assembly lines and programming
Development and implementation of in-line, in-situ monitoring procedures in production lines for early warning; selection, development and installation of monitoring and test devices.
Standardized tests as well as custom test development for assembled products
Statistical Process Control (SPC) consulting, training, implementation for the purpose of catching problems early on in the production line
We encourage you to visit the site of our manufacturing operations to get more information on different manufacturing & assembly techniques and technologies we work on.
We have become a value added reseller of QualityLine production Technologies, Ltd., a high-tech company that has developed an Artificial Intelligence based software solution that automatically integrates with your worldwide manufacturing data and creates an advanced diagnostics analytics for you. This tool is really different than any others in the market, because it can be implemented very quickly and easily, and will work with any type of equipment and data, data in any format coming from your sensors, saved manufacturing data sources, test stations, manual entry .....etc. No need to change any of your existing equipment to implement this software tool. Besides real time monitoring of key performance parameters, this AI software provides you root cause analytics, provides early warnings and alerts. There is no solution like this in the market. This tool has saved manufacturers plenty of cash reducing rejects, returns, reworks, downtime and gaining customers goodwill. Easy and quick ! To schedule a Discovery Call with us and to find out more about this powerful artıficial intelligence based manufacturing analytics tool:
- Please fill out the downloadable QL Questionnaire from the orange link on the left and return to us by email to
- Have a look at the orange colored downloadable brochure links to get an idea about this powerful tool. QualityLine One Page Summary and QualityLine Summary Brochure
- Also here is a short video that gets to the point: VIDEO of QUALITYLINE MANUFACTURING ANALYTICS TOOL